Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy June!

I know it's been awhile. Honestly I haven't had any memorable dreams until last night. It seems like I had all these crazy dreams at once, so I created this blog, then I don't dream at all. Is it too much pressure??? jk

So last night's was especially weird. It involved me, Al Gore, and Hillary Clinton- played by Amy Poehler from SNL! The couple things that stand out to me:

Hillary Clinton on Saturday Night Live

- Hillary Clinton said she was from Sandy, Ut and I could aspire to be just like her..and that Bill had been the governor of Maine before he was president....
- Al Gore told me I REALLY needed to do more about global warming... and last but not least..
- My whole dream was in black and white..

What does all this mean? I don't know, but I woke up entertained and that's what's most important. Have any of you ever dreamed in black and white?

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