Sunday, June 27, 2010


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Last night's dream had me in a panic.... There was a fire that was coming for my house. Firemen were trying to evacuate me, but I was panicking about getting all of my valuable things. I remember that in my haste I was trying to grab my wedding photos, clothing for my family, and food that we would need. I woke up feeling so happy that it was just a dream!

In other news, sorry I haven't posted for a while! Summer is in full bloom and I've been spending any moment I can outdoors. I went rollerblading with my sister Karalee this past week. I don't think I have been since I was in high school! Slowly but surely I became more comfortable and by the end it was such a good workout! Maybe this will be the workout I need to sculpt my legs!

FallenOn another note, I've been a reading machine lately! I just finished a book called Fallen by Lauren Kate. It's hard to tell you what it's about, but it's SOOOO Good!!! Nothing deep, but definitely entertaining!

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