Maybe it's because I work at a financial institution that is located inside of a grocery store, but all of my dreams last night revolved around grocery shopping and the shopping carts... Just a little weird!
Onto another note...I tried a new smoothie this morning. So to give you a little background, I have somewhat of an energy challenge throughout the challenge being that I lack energy. So I have been trying to find good nutritious foods that a) satisfy my appetite so I'm not hungry 2 hours after and b) that will give me some good energy to burn, since I like to be out and about doing things while I can. I think my biggest frustration with my lack of energy is that I am a person that likes to always be doing something. If I'm not I feel like I'm wasting my day, and then I feel terrible because I feel like I need to 'Go out and seize the day!' See my dilemma???
So, if you have any smoothie recipes, or any nutritious energy packed recipes, PLEASE give them to me!!!! I'm an adventurous eater, so I'm willing to try just about anything...Case in point: My smoothie this morning was called the 'green eyed monster'. It was made with flax, spinach, banana, and milk. It wasn't bad tasting, but I wouldn't necessarily describe it as good tasting either. Kinda of bland. My hardest part was wrapping my mind around the fact that I was drinking instead of eating spinach. It might have been better had I had the ice that needed to go into the recipe, and if I had had a straw to sip it from. I think that would have offered me less time to pause and think about what I was drinking...instead of chewing and eating...
I believe the flax that I used is a good thing to add to any smoothie for added vitamins and fiber. I absolutely love strawberries, so perhaps I'll pick up some strawberries and peaches to make a smoothie? Sounds like an interesting combo, we'll see. Have a great weekend!!! I'll be stuck inside all day tomorrow at work :(
Hey, Sara! I discovered your blog this morning via FB, and I wanted to share that I've been making green smoothies for the past few weeks and drink a quart's worth a day. I recently read a book called "Green for Life", and it has several recipes that I've been using. I add some ground flax seed to mine, too. Whenever one of my concoctions tastes bland, I add a tbsp. or two of cherry juice concentrate to spice it up--something I love but has recently gained some praise by nutritionists and such for its anti-inflammatory/antioxidant qualities. So there are some tips for you! Take care.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip, it sounds delicious!