Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ch Ch Ch Changes..

So I've decided to make some changes here! I've wanted to have a blog for a long time, and I thought my dreams were going to be a good topic, but it seems like my sub-conscious has another idea. I haven't been able to remember my dreams no matter how hard I try. So this blog will chronicle my dreams, but I'm going to write other tidbits on here.
Here's a random tidbit that I'm proud of. I have a herb garden on my kitchen window sill. And get this...IT's ALIVE and GROWING! I always thought that I would kill things, but it is extremely fulfilling that they are actually growing and thriving! I am currently nurturing: Basil, Thyme, Oregano, and Parsley. If I can keep herbs alive, maybe I'll be able to keep other things alive??? Perhaps an actual child one day? Okay, I'm joking about that, I know I'll be able to keep a child alive, plants are somewhat more fragile than a child...
Well, now that I feel the freedom to write other things on here, you'll be hearing a lot more from me! Cheers.

Pop quiz...can you name those herbs???

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