Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I woke up this morning confused. I wasn't sure what day it was, what time of day, or what was buzzing under my head...

All I remember about last nights dream are 2 things..

Yeah, that's right. Ninja's and weddings. Not my wedding, but that's my favorite wedding picture so I wanted to post it!

So since I don't remember much about my dream, I'll tell you briefly about my day. I had work off yesterday, which was a very nice thing! I feel like all I do now is work, so it's nice to sit back, relax, and breathe. 

I went to lunch with my mom, which was delicious! If you haven't been to Paradise Bakery, you really need to try it!!! After lunch I went back to my parent's house and relaxed with my mom. It was nice. We started talking about her upcoming trip to Florida with one of my sisters and how my skymiles are about it expire...unless I use them! So, I might be going to Florida with them! We'll see what happens, I'll keep you posted. But for now....it's off to work I go! Talk to you later!

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