Sunday, June 27, 2010


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Last night's dream had me in a panic.... There was a fire that was coming for my house. Firemen were trying to evacuate me, but I was panicking about getting all of my valuable things. I remember that in my haste I was trying to grab my wedding photos, clothing for my family, and food that we would need. I woke up feeling so happy that it was just a dream!

In other news, sorry I haven't posted for a while! Summer is in full bloom and I've been spending any moment I can outdoors. I went rollerblading with my sister Karalee this past week. I don't think I have been since I was in high school! Slowly but surely I became more comfortable and by the end it was such a good workout! Maybe this will be the workout I need to sculpt my legs!

FallenOn another note, I've been a reading machine lately! I just finished a book called Fallen by Lauren Kate. It's hard to tell you what it's about, but it's SOOOO Good!!! Nothing deep, but definitely entertaining!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Energetic food please?

Maybe it's because I work at a financial institution that is located inside of a grocery store, but all of my dreams last night revolved around grocery shopping and the shopping carts... Just a little weird!

Onto another note...I tried a new smoothie this morning. So to give you a little background, I have somewhat of an energy challenge throughout the challenge being that I lack energy. So I have been trying to find good nutritious foods that a) satisfy my appetite so I'm not hungry 2 hours after and b) that will give me some good energy to burn, since I like to be out and about doing things while I can. I think my biggest frustration with my lack of energy is that I am a person that likes to always be doing something. If I'm not I feel like I'm wasting my day, and then I feel terrible because I feel like I need to 'Go out and seize the day!' See my dilemma???

So, if you have any smoothie recipes, or any nutritious energy packed recipes, PLEASE give them to me!!!! I'm an adventurous eater, so I'm willing to try just about anything...Case in point: My smoothie this morning was called the 'green eyed monster'. It was made with flax, spinach, banana, and milk. It wasn't bad tasting, but I wouldn't necessarily describe it as good tasting either. Kinda of bland. My hardest part was wrapping my mind around the fact that I was drinking instead of eating spinach. It might have been better had I had the ice that needed to go into the recipe, and if I had had a straw to sip it from. I think that would have offered me less time to pause and think about what I was drinking...instead of chewing and eating...

I believe the flax that I used is a good thing to add to any smoothie for added vitamins and fiber. I absolutely love strawberries, so perhaps I'll pick up some strawberries and peaches to make a smoothie? Sounds like an interesting combo, we'll see. Have a great weekend!!! I'll be stuck inside all day tomorrow at work :(

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I've made the realization lately that I really like movies. That's what my husband and I do for fun, we watch movies (we do other things too, we're not always couch potatoes!) I had this epiphany this week at work. As my employees were talking about movies and movie quotes, I realized that I knew a lot of them and if they were describing a movie or actor I could name the movie and actor. So, it seems whenever they talk about movies, I'm the first person they ask if they have a question..

So, I am excited and anticipating tomorrow to go and see Toy Story 3! I know it's a kids movie, but I grew up with it, so I just HAVE to go and see it right? See it through to the end?? That's what I'm going to tell myself  anyway. I'll give a report on it tomorrow- I'm going to it to celebrate my sister's birthday.

This brings me to another train of thought-how can one person have just one favorite movie? I have a favorite genre on movies, but as for having just one, there isn't one that sticks out in my mind. I LOVE romantic comedies! I know they are predictable, but they are funny, and they make you feel good in the end (most times). I don't know if anyone else reads this blog, but do you have a favorite movie? And if so, how have you narrowed it down to just that 'one'? I have different movies for different phases in my life, but not just one that stands out.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I had an absolute nightmare last night. It's been quite a while since I've had one, and I can honestly say they scare the crap outta me! Who likes having nightmares anyway? That's the reason that I don't watch horror movies or anything disturbing- because of my insanely vivid imagination.
So onto my dream... Someone was trying to murder me last night. I know you hear about these dreams where you drown or have that falling dream that makes you come awake, but this one beats all of those out of the water..
It was dark and I was in a room with stream and all sorts of pipes- I'm thinking it looked a lot like a boiler room. It was really dark and I was fighting a person hand to hand combat style. I was all sweaty and bloody and so was he. He was choking me and I was gasping for air. At this point I remember the feeling of pure determination that he wasn't going to win. I was going to fight. Fight to survive. If that meant killing him, so be it.
At this point I woke up gasping for air, because I realized that I really hadn't been breathing.
This nightmare provoked other thoughts...should I take a self defense class? I think karate would a fun way to get in shape and learn how to defend myself. Has anyone else out there had a nightmare like mine? any recurring nightmares out there?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ch Ch Ch Changes..

So I've decided to make some changes here! I've wanted to have a blog for a long time, and I thought my dreams were going to be a good topic, but it seems like my sub-conscious has another idea. I haven't been able to remember my dreams no matter how hard I try. So this blog will chronicle my dreams, but I'm going to write other tidbits on here.
Here's a random tidbit that I'm proud of. I have a herb garden on my kitchen window sill. And get this...IT's ALIVE and GROWING! I always thought that I would kill things, but it is extremely fulfilling that they are actually growing and thriving! I am currently nurturing: Basil, Thyme, Oregano, and Parsley. If I can keep herbs alive, maybe I'll be able to keep other things alive??? Perhaps an actual child one day? Okay, I'm joking about that, I know I'll be able to keep a child alive, plants are somewhat more fragile than a child...
Well, now that I feel the freedom to write other things on here, you'll be hearing a lot more from me! Cheers.

Pop quiz...can you name those herbs???

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy June!

I know it's been awhile. Honestly I haven't had any memorable dreams until last night. It seems like I had all these crazy dreams at once, so I created this blog, then I don't dream at all. Is it too much pressure??? jk

So last night's was especially weird. It involved me, Al Gore, and Hillary Clinton- played by Amy Poehler from SNL! The couple things that stand out to me:

Hillary Clinton on Saturday Night Live

- Hillary Clinton said she was from Sandy, Ut and I could aspire to be just like her..and that Bill had been the governor of Maine before he was president....
- Al Gore told me I REALLY needed to do more about global warming... and last but not least..
- My whole dream was in black and white..

What does all this mean? I don't know, but I woke up entertained and that's what's most important. Have any of you ever dreamed in black and white?