Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 6

I'm grateful for my family today.
The nice thing about family is that they have unconditional love.
They love you no matter what mistakes you make or where you go in life.
Friends come and go through your life, but family is always there.
There's a saying that my sister made for me when we got married:
'It doesn't matter where you go in life, 
what you do, 
or how much you have, 
it's who you have beside you.'
It's true about your spouse and your family.
I'm grateful for how often my mom calls me just to see how I'm doing.
I'm grateful for the time I get to spend with my dad.
I'm grateful for my loving and opinionated sisters. They will never lead me astray and will always give their honest opinion about what is best for me.
I'm grateful for the crazy Sunday dinners when I get to see my brother's in law and my nieces and nephews.
I'm grateful for my husband's family. 
Even though they span the globe and we don't see them that often-
I'm grateful that when we do, our relationships pick up where they left off.

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