Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 15

I am grateful for goals.
Where would our world be if people hadn't made goals?
Thank goodness for ambition and the drive to succeed! 
I made a goal with this new year, that I need to admit I never had plans to follow through on.
It's funny though how life intervenes to help you realize your goals.
Am I being cryptic enough?
So from previous posts, you might remember that I play the violin?
For the past couple years I have had every intention of regularly practicing my violin to get back to the level I was in high school.
Well, I got a call from someone yesterday that goes to my same church and they asked me to play my violin in church the last Sunday of the month....
It has been 8 years since I have performed in front of anyone or anything but a music stand.
I graciously accepted with the realization that this is giving me a reason to practice.
But boy oh boy...I'm nervous.
I keep telling myself that I'll be ok.
You'll be ok Sara. Really. You will.
So here's to me getting back on the musical bandwagon.
Thank you goals and life for helping me forget my guilt and get lost in my music again.
I realize now that I've missed it.

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