Sunday, November 21, 2010

Winter is here!

Today winter officially made its appearance!

This is a close up of the tree outside my house..

I woke up this morning to at least 4 inches or more of snow

As for last night, last night I celebrated my birthday with 10 of my closest friends.
We started the evening by having dinner at Iggy's grill, then it was off to the movies we went!

Can you guess what we saw?

It was by far the best Harry Potter movie so far!
There were some tense moments, some funny parts, and I was surprised how close to the book it followed.
I'm really excited for the 2nd part. I was curious how they were going to end the first part, and they did it perfectly! I don't want to give any details away, but you need to see it!

Now a little time for reflection
This week is Thanksgiving. Here is a list of things I am thankful for:

1) My husband. I love spending time with him and laughing with him. He knows the perfect way to cheer my up. There are moments that I'll have that I realize how much I love him and I feel like I need to pinch myself. He is perfect for me in every way and I can't imagine my life without him.
2) My job and Josh's job. I may not like what I do, but I am still thankful for employment, and Josh's employment. This time last year he was unemployed- that was the most stress anxiety filled time of our whole marriage. I am thankful to be past that point in our lives.
3) I am thankful for family. We've laughed together, cried together, and done everything in between. I'm thankful for my sisters to whom I have such a close relationship to.
4) Vacations. These keep me sane. I love to travel and to explore.
5) Warm weather. I love warm weather where I can sit outside and reflect about life. Winter is by far my least favorite season, but I think I would feel differently if I had the money to go snowboarding.
6) Food. I am thankful that I have enough and that I'm lucky enough to be able to cook and enjoy the food that I eat.
7) I am thankful for differences. As weird as that sounds, I'm thankful that not one person is alike. Everyone has different experiences. How boring would it be if everyone was the same? Had the same beliefs, likes, dislikes? I love talking to people and hearing their own stories and experiences.
8) Books. For the relaxation reading gives me and to be able to curl up on my couch with a good book.
9) Peace. To be able to think and relax. For my sanity, I am thankful for the solitude and the opportunity it give me to clear my mind.
10) Friends. You should be near the top of this list. I am thankful for friends who help me to laugh, have fun, and making good memories. You are awesome.

I know there are so many other things I am thankful for, but these top the list.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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