Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I met Josh in Phoenix, which I was totally excited to see him! It was nice to have a break from real life for a week, even though I had tons of fun in Florida, I really missed my hubby!

Now, the reason we were in Phoenix was because of Jaime's wedding! Josh's little sister got married!
 The she is with her new husband Chris outside the Mesa Temple.

 Joe and I had a battle of wills going on. I put a brownie on the end of his tooth pick and waited to see how long he would keep it on there.

Here's Jen and I torturing Joe with our kisses! It was pretty entertaining to watch him squirm!

All in all, it was a good weekend. We got to hang with Josh's side of the family and enjoy a bit of sun and warm weather.

But, there really is no place like home! After 10 days, it was really nice to come home. Not so much to return to real life, but it was nice to sleep in my own bed, cook my own food, and actually do laundry!

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