Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Playing catch up!

So here's a really quick rundown of why I haven't posted recently!

For October, I left the hubby at home and went to Florida with my sister Becky and her family, and my parents!
So, looking back through my photos, we had a major fail at getting a group photo!
Here's some of the highlights!

 Here's my niece and nephews by the Mickey statue at the Shades of Green Resort- where we stayed.

 At Epcot at the Morocco pavilion...meditating :)

 Gorilla's at the Animal Kingdom- I asked Josh if I could have one as a pet and he said no! Maybe one day...

 A toy soldier by the Toy Story ride in MGM

 Me on a roller coaster- I pretty much love them!

 We went to Cape Canaveral

See? I was there too!

 We went on a shuttle simulator and I thought they were going to shake me to death!

 We went to Cocoa Beach- here's my Momma and Daddy

 See? I was at the beach too! I didn't swim because I felt really crappy that day

One of our last mornings, Ratheyon hosted a free breakfast for our resort!

The next morning, I got into a cab at 4:30 in the morning, caught my flight to Atlanta at 6:30, barely made my flight there to get to Phoenix, and met Josh in Phoenix! That'll be the next post!

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