Monday, May 24, 2010


Last night's dream took place in the jungle.

I went on a road trip with my sister Becky, my Mom, and my Dad. Sounds ordinary enough, right? Well, add in that the road trip was through a jungle, avoiding murderous natives. Still not bizarre enough? Well, when you're on a road trip you are traveling somewhere. We were going to the 'Happiest Place on Earth', Disneyland.

My emotions with this dream were fear and nervousness.

Fear that the natives were going to get us. We were driving a huge SUV and it seemed like we could never lose or get ahead of the natives. They were always there with their torches and chanting. At one point we were hiding in an ancient palace that was in a cave, but they still found us. A funny thought with this part of my dream: the ancient palace offered parallel parking outside, but it was only 5 second parking. I remember running by and saying "What?! Only 5 seconds? That's outrageous, they should at least give us 10!"

Finally at the end of my dream, we made it through the jungle and past the natives! Yay! We got to Disneyland but it still wasn't the park that many of us know today. It consisted of one tiny, 4 person carousel. Talk about a let down! Where were all of the cool, fun rides?!? Who knows, at this point I woke up, so I guess I'll never know!

Now it's your turn. Do you remember a dream where you were running or hiding from something? Perhaps trekking through a jungle?

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