Tuesday, August 31, 2010


How I love Polenta! 
For those who don't know what polenta is. It has the consistency of grainy mashed potatoes. 
It is creamy, soft, and rich delicious goodness.

It melts in your mouth, and is very basic. It takes on the taste of what you pair it with, therefore it is versatile and goes with almost any type of food.

So, did you see the picture just above? I tried making polenta tonight. It looked nothing like the picture shown above. I didn't take a picture because it was such an epic failure, but it looked something like the picture shown below. Which one would you like to eat??? Yeah, I'd like to eat the top one as well.


So, anyone have a yummy polenta recipe that is edible? If so, I'd like it. 
Pretty please? 
Also maybe what to cook with it?


  1. I've only had polenta one time and I made it from scratch, terrible idea. I didn't even know what it's supposed to taste like so I didn't know what to look for. If you find a good recipe please share, I'd like to give it another go.

  2. I found it at the store today in the Italian aisle. I didn't buy it, but it looked fairly normal and I think I'll try that one next time instead of from scratch.. Do you have a blog? If so what's the address so I can follow it?

  3. from Olive Garden's website...

