Saturday, August 14, 2010

Overcoming fear...

Yesterday I began a process of overcoming one of my fears.

I have always been afraid and extremely intimidated by GUNS-
well anything that can be deadly actually..

So, yesterday we went shooting with friends!
(This is where I would insert a picture had I remembered my camera)

I was able to shoot the gun my husband owns- I believe it's a Springfield XD subcompact-it's black and has 2 safety's. I like that there are 2, that way you know it can't go off on accident- you have to be gripping the gun for one safety, and pulling the trigger for the other safety.

I was really surprised when I first shot it! It had a powerful recoil. Apparently not as bad as some guns, but it was still surprising. It surprised me so much that I yelled a swear word! Josh was beside himself laughing and I had to agree. Not many people have that reaction when they shoot a gun.

Once the first initial shock was over of how powerful this gun was, I buckled down and prepared for some target shooting. Surprisingly, I was pretty acurate. I was able to hit the bullseye and around it the majority of the time.

I'm excited to go shooting again. I know there's going to be a next time. I'm not afraid like I was. I guess it was fear of the unknown, and definitely becoming familiar with such a deadly weapon. I'm not saying that I'm going to go out and be the next Rambo, but I think if I was being threatened I could defend myself.

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