Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I woke up this morning confused. I wasn't sure what day it was, what time of day, or what was buzzing under my head...

All I remember about last nights dream are 2 things..

Yeah, that's right. Ninja's and weddings. Not my wedding, but that's my favorite wedding picture so I wanted to post it!

So since I don't remember much about my dream, I'll tell you briefly about my day. I had work off yesterday, which was a very nice thing! I feel like all I do now is work, so it's nice to sit back, relax, and breathe. 

I went to lunch with my mom, which was delicious! If you haven't been to Paradise Bakery, you really need to try it!!! After lunch I went back to my parent's house and relaxed with my mom. It was nice. We started talking about her upcoming trip to Florida with one of my sisters and how my skymiles are about it expire...unless I use them! So, I might be going to Florida with them! We'll see what happens, I'll keep you posted. But for now....it's off to work I go! Talk to you later!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Last night's dream took place in the jungle.

I went on a road trip with my sister Becky, my Mom, and my Dad. Sounds ordinary enough, right? Well, add in that the road trip was through a jungle, avoiding murderous natives. Still not bizarre enough? Well, when you're on a road trip you are traveling somewhere. We were going to the 'Happiest Place on Earth', Disneyland.

My emotions with this dream were fear and nervousness.

Fear that the natives were going to get us. We were driving a huge SUV and it seemed like we could never lose or get ahead of the natives. They were always there with their torches and chanting. At one point we were hiding in an ancient palace that was in a cave, but they still found us. A funny thought with this part of my dream: the ancient palace offered parallel parking outside, but it was only 5 second parking. I remember running by and saying "What?! Only 5 seconds? That's outrageous, they should at least give us 10!"

Finally at the end of my dream, we made it through the jungle and past the natives! Yay! We got to Disneyland but it still wasn't the park that many of us know today. It consisted of one tiny, 4 person carousel. Talk about a let down! Where were all of the cool, fun rides?!? Who knows, at this point I woke up, so I guess I'll never know!

Now it's your turn. Do you remember a dream where you were running or hiding from something? Perhaps trekking through a jungle?

Sunday, May 23, 2010


That was the main emotion of my dream last night.

It started out at a beach house. I was getting ready to go swimming in the ocean when Cami, a friend from high school, asked me to go for a drive with her. I can't remember how the exact conversation went, but I do know it was about being inspired and discovering what to do with our lives. That was how it started as she nonchalantly drove onto the beach. Once on the beach, she said we were going to go car surfing. Now, as far as I know, cars weigh too much to go surfing. But before I knew it, we were out on the water nestled in a little bay, just bobbing up and down in the water as the waves lapped against the black car....Now this is just a little tidbit of my dream last night. There are broken things I can remember, like hiding in a bathroom nestled between a counter and bathtub, but it's hard to say and write on here since they would be a fragmented list of snapshots. Overall, I woke up confused and relieved I wasn't in a car on the ocean.

I'm usually good about remembering my dreams, but last night's was really random. And I was surprised that Cami made an appearance in my dream. I read her blog which helps my feel like I'm still in contact with her, but in reality I'm terrible at staying in touch with people. If they're on Facebook or if I run into a person while I'm out and about then it's great to catch up. But otherwise, I'm afraid to admit, I suck when it comes to staying in contact with old friends! Please forgive me.

So onto another part of my blog. Have you ever had any weird water related dreams? Car surfing perhaps? Maybe I'm not alone in this dream...Let me know, I would love to hear!


First I want to say "Welcome to my Blog!"

My intent with this blog is to chronicle my crazy dreams I have at night, as well as anyone else's that are entertaining. And during this process tell you about: my day, any impressions or insights that I have, crazy stories that have been observed by myself or friends that are 'blogworthy'. 

After all is said and done, I expect this to be an entertaining blog to read and for people to share their crazy, if not mildly entertaining dreams they have with me.

Finally, I have a disclaimer..I don't interpret dreams (which could be entertaining, but I don't have the time or energy) or care to have mine interpreted. People that I know in reality make regular appearances in my dreams. If I mention your name, please don't be offended by my dream as they happened in my sleep and I don't control them. Instead, be flattered that I think so highly of you to mention it. :)