Tuesday, September 28, 2010

SoJo 5k

I'm trying to get back into running, but it hasn't been easy. Between shin splints and temperamental knees, it's been an adventure.
 Earlier this summer, my sister Karalee convinced me to run a 5k with her. Easy peasy right? Yeah, well not running consistently for 3 years, kinda hard when I can't even run 1/4 mile... but I did it! 

This past Saturday, along with my parents and sister, we ran the SoJo 5k, with pretty much by best time ever!

Kari and I ran together - I'm on the left- looking like I just rolled out of bed (which I did) and she's on the right (looking like to professional runner!)
I had to pass the finish and loop around a park before I was done. Right as we rounded the corner, my dad entered the finish! Not an intentional shot, but great!
My familia at the end. My Dad, me, Becky (she did the 1/2 marathon), my Mom, and Karalee
We missed you Livvy!

I just need to work on getting my other sister Olivia to run with us in the next one! Hmmm, what other 5k's can I do before the season is up?

Or I can just train for next year...As Becky would say, I think I've caught the running bug again!
Let's hope it stays around this time!

Oh and before I forget, this 5k marked another milestone.
 My dear, sweet Momma- this was her first 5k. 
Don't get mad at me for this!

My Mom this past year decided that she was tired of being overweight, so she changed her whole lifestyle.
She's lost 30 pounds or more the old fashioned way- she watched what she ate and worked out- like gritted her teeth and sweat the pound off work out.
I'm so proud of her, and she's still goin' and shedding that weight!

Here she is 1 year and 3 months ago at my graduation and here she is this past weekend:


You're an inspiration Momma, you look beautiful!

Love you

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I'm not gonna brag, well okay maybe a little...

Want to know what I made for dinner tonight?

It started with sauteing some asparagus - seasoned with garlic salt and pepper, with a splash of olive oil.

I got fillet mignon from the store- used a splash of olive oil, then tenderized with salt and pepper (it was already tender, but what can I say, I like my cow to moo a little bit and since I don't have a grill, stove top had to work) 

Hollendaise sauce, how I like thee... (My husband says I should only love him, so I 
 like this sauce :) Love you babe

And this was the finished result. 
Fillet Mignon with asparagus, drizzled with hollebdaise.
The fillet was so tender and mouth watering, no steak knife was required. 
The asparagus was crunchy but tender at the same time, cooked to perfection. 
The hollendaise just tied the whole package together nicely.

What do I want to venture into next?? You'll just have to tune in to see!

Oh, p.s. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow.

Here's the grand before shot:

I need something different, you'll see tomorrow!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What do we really eat???

I have started a new initiative the past week or so to be conscientious of what I am eating. It's a semi-diet, but more of a lifestyle change.
Before you read on, I just want you to know this isn't going to be a post of pro-organic this and that. While I think some things are good organic, I can't justify the price to myself when the un-organic product is basically the same.
Here's what I've been focusing on...Cutting out high fructose corn syrup and simple carbohydrates.
Sounds easy huh?
Well, I'm coming to find out it isn't!

Turns out high fructose corn syrup is in almost everything!
Take for example to 2 picture below:
yoplait original  yoplait greek
Which do you think is better for you?
Did you guess the Greek? You're right!
The original yogurt contains high fructose corn syrup, as well as the 'light' yougurt contains that AND aspertaime. Neither one are good for you.

Whereas, the Greek doesn't have either one, is Gluten free, and is made from cows milk that hasn't been treated or any additives....uh...added.
(I know that sounds so educated coming from a college grad, but I couldn't think how else to say it.)
When I went up and down the grocery store aisles yesterday, I became rather educated. Most everything that is 'reduced fat' or 'fat free' has either aspertaime or high fructose corn syrup in it to enhance the flavor.

As for the simple carbohydrates- these are simple sugars that once ingested convert to glucose if you're lacking..or fat if you have enough glucose. So, I've cut out the sugary cereals, mac and cheese, white bread, and other things. Complex carbohydrates are still good though: whole grain breads, potatoes, and a few other things..

My meals now take more preparation and planning, but I'm feeling better about myself and I feel healthier.
Hopefully I'll keep it up.

If you have any recipes or food products that you like and are healthy, please share!