Friday, July 23, 2010

So much time on my hands..

With Josh working the swing shift, it seems that once I'm finished working for the day, I have all of this time on my hands. There are 2 things that I have noticed so far about this extra time:

#1 It is bringing out OCD tendencies and I'm cleaning a lot or doing laundry
#2 I'm going shopping so I'm not stuck by myself at my house

From these 2 things I've concluded that #1 really isn't fun and I would like to spend my time doing something else. And #2- while it is fun, this could be a dangerous habit, seeing as I keep finding things to buy :) For example, I had a $10 shopping card to Kohl's, so last night I went and bought some jewelry. Now this example isn't bad because I only spent $4 of my own money. But I have this list of things I would like to buy or replace now that Josh is working again. Because of this wishlist, I'm sure #2 could become expensive and all over a bad idea to be doing this in my free time...ok well not all of my free time, but a girl does have to shop sometime!

So I need some hobbies. Any ideas? Cooking is one- but it really isn't all that fun to cook for just one person. I want to learn Spanish, but do I want to go back to school at nights since I have the time or teach myself at home? Has anyone ever tried Rosetta Stone? Or there's working out- getting a gym membership which would be good, but on the days where I've had a long, hard work day, do I really want to go and beat myself up after work?

One avenue that I really enjoyed this week: I've been making yummy, mostly vegetarian dinners! Here's on dinner that I actually had twice this week! (It was even yummier the second time!)

Mmmm, bruscetta!

I toasted the french bread
Combines fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil and 
let it soak in olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


Jealous yet? I've decided to make it for a baby shower I'm throwing for my friend Heidi on Monday. I'm a little scared that people won't like it as much as I do, but then I'm kinda hoping they don't so there'll be more leftovers for me!

After this adventurous cooking, I think that's what I'm going to focus on...gourmet cooking! YUM!
If anyone has any other ideas for my spare time to be creative, you're a captive audience!

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