Sunday, July 25, 2010


One of my favorite things about summer are the bbq's! Last night we went to one of Josh's friends house and had a bbq with good friends! Too bad I forgot my camera, so here are some highlights!

Perfect BBQ Ribs

We had ribs! These aren't the ribs we had, but oh they were SO delicious!!!!

So here's a couple of highlights of the night..

Eating delicious food (IF you hadn't guessed that one already!)

Visiting with girlfriends while the husbands played poker outside

Laughing really hard every time Maren snorted :)

Setting off some pretty lame fireworks, but nonetheless having a blast with the sparklers!

The men came inside to play smash brothers, so the women went outside to play blackjack!
(Just guess who one?!?)

Grooved to ABBA while Jamie and Tasia gave us "I think you've lost it" looks!

Seeing a stray bottle rocket, Maren and I decided to set that off...
turns out you're not supposed to be holding the bottle rocket with your hands..who knew!
I was the one holding it, it shot out of my hands and exploded over the neighbor's shed.
That caused many a snort to escape from Maren
I was laughing so hard I cried, then had the hiccups for a long time after

We finally went home around 1am, it's bee a while since I've been out so late!

So much more happened, but I don't remember all the details..

Fun times!

Friday, July 23, 2010

So much time on my hands..

With Josh working the swing shift, it seems that once I'm finished working for the day, I have all of this time on my hands. There are 2 things that I have noticed so far about this extra time:

#1 It is bringing out OCD tendencies and I'm cleaning a lot or doing laundry
#2 I'm going shopping so I'm not stuck by myself at my house

From these 2 things I've concluded that #1 really isn't fun and I would like to spend my time doing something else. And #2- while it is fun, this could be a dangerous habit, seeing as I keep finding things to buy :) For example, I had a $10 shopping card to Kohl's, so last night I went and bought some jewelry. Now this example isn't bad because I only spent $4 of my own money. But I have this list of things I would like to buy or replace now that Josh is working again. Because of this wishlist, I'm sure #2 could become expensive and all over a bad idea to be doing this in my free time...ok well not all of my free time, but a girl does have to shop sometime!

So I need some hobbies. Any ideas? Cooking is one- but it really isn't all that fun to cook for just one person. I want to learn Spanish, but do I want to go back to school at nights since I have the time or teach myself at home? Has anyone ever tried Rosetta Stone? Or there's working out- getting a gym membership which would be good, but on the days where I've had a long, hard work day, do I really want to go and beat myself up after work?

One avenue that I really enjoyed this week: I've been making yummy, mostly vegetarian dinners! Here's on dinner that I actually had twice this week! (It was even yummier the second time!)

Mmmm, bruscetta!

I toasted the french bread
Combines fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil and 
let it soak in olive oil and balsamic vinegar.


Jealous yet? I've decided to make it for a baby shower I'm throwing for my friend Heidi on Monday. I'm a little scared that people won't like it as much as I do, but then I'm kinda hoping they don't so there'll be more leftovers for me!

After this adventurous cooking, I think that's what I'm going to focus on...gourmet cooking! YUM!
If anyone has any other ideas for my spare time to be creative, you're a captive audience!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

So proud!

Wow, I'm lame for not being on here in so long! Wow, this summer is going by quick! This weekend, we got to celebrate....wait for it.....Josh's graduation!!! In case you can't read what he's holding, he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from Western Governor's University.

I'm such a proud wife! Here are some other people that came to celebrate!

Me of course! We rock the sunglasses look quite well...

Josh's family, ok well 7 other siblings are missing, but there's his parent's and his sister Jamie.

Josh with my parents.

He is now officially a college graduate! Like me! I didn't have a blog when I graduated, so here's a picture of me:

This was taken about year ago.

Being back on the University of Utah's campus made me re-discover something about myself. I miss going to college. I am one of those people who love to learn. Not so much learning about things like math or science, but about people. People in history, different cultures, languages, and so on. I'd love to go back to school to learn Spanish, and I know I will once life calms down a bit. Or will I be waiting forever if I wait for that? We'll see what happens..