I've reflected a lot these past couple weeks of how much I have to be grateful for.
I'm healthy (let's forget about that whole kidney stone fiasco in Vegas),
I have an amazing husband who is my best friend,
I have a job that I love,
A family that is always there for me,
Great friends who let me talk,
And a faith that has gotten me through my darkest days.
While I still have struggles and can feel pretty low at times,
I want to focus on the good this upcoming year.
So this blog is having another facelift.
I'm going to start a new year's resolution early
and try to name one thing each day that I am
I have had days where I have felt depressed that my life isn't going the direction that I want it to go.
But, that's life isn't it?
You can plan all you want,
but Murphy's law and karma will always come into play and twist
those outcomes to what was not expected- both good and bad.
There are days where I feel like there's a rain cloud looming over me and I can't see the sun
or the good in things.
So I'd like to try and name just ONE thing each day that I am grateful for.
I'm lucky enough to have a job where I deal with people
who are by far, worse off than I hope I'll ever be.
They help me to realize that I have
of blessings in my life.
And it's time I started recognizing them.
Stay tuned.