Turns out I have a very stubborn body.
8 cycles of Clomid and 3 cycles of Femara later,
my body has still failed to ovulate.
my body has still failed to ovulate.
(For those who don't know those are fertility medications
to induce ovulation.)
to induce ovulation.)
There is much frustration with a body that doesn't
work how it should.
work how it should.
So the next step in all of our attempts for a baby is starting injections.
I know you're all jealous!
All my little vials |
I had a lot of fear and trepidation starting these shots,
especially since I was supposed to give them to myself!
But, it's stronger medication than anything I've taken before.
But, it's stronger medication than anything I've taken before.
The sub-cutaneous needle- I'll take this shorter one any day over the longer one! |
The intra-muscular needle- the one I used to fill the syringes. No thank you, I'm not going to stab myself with this one...at least not yet anyways. |
The first shot was rather comical.
This is me recreating my horrified face at sticking myself. |
I sat at our table just staring at the needle thinking 'there's no way',
then that line of thought going to 'you can do it,
just stab yourself really fast..'
just stab yourself really fast..'
Josh sat at the couch and stared at me.
He volunteered to give me the shot, but I told him no, because he wasn't going to be here all the days
I had to take them, so I needed to be brave and just do it.
Ha ha, easier said than done my friends!
Since he so willingly volunteered, after a couple minutes of going back and forth between almost jabbing myself and putting the syringe down,
I took him up on his offer.
It's so much easier to be given a shot then giving one to yourself.
I have a new found respect for diabetics who give themselves shots.
After all that hype,
the shot wasn't anything but a pinch and some
stinging as the meds were injected.
stinging as the meds were injected.
Once it was finished, I was resolved to give the next shot myself.
Josh was a really good shot giver. I'll take him as my nurse any day!
Josh was a really good shot giver. I'll take him as my nurse any day!
The next day, I'm proud to say I was able to do it!
I gave myself the shot!
I was so psyched out about it, and that was the worst part!
It wasn't bad at all, I think I might be over my fear of needles now.
Well, at least my fear of thin, short needles.
That longer needle might be another story if I have to stick myself with that!
But for now, I can handle the shorter needle.
Let's cross our fingers that this medication has worked. While I'm glad that I was able to give myself the shots, it's still not my favorite past time. I need a little glimmer of hope. If this can make me ovulate, I'll be jumping and shouting for joy.
While I don't want to be too optimistic that I'll get pregnant the first time I ovulate. I just want to know that some combination of drugs will make it possible.
Lets all cross our fingers and hold our breath!
I'll find out soon enough!
While I don't want to be too optimistic that I'll get pregnant the first time I ovulate. I just want to know that some combination of drugs will make it possible.
Lets all cross our fingers and hold our breath!
I'll find out soon enough!